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Config Table of Contents

List of devices we use and links to standard configs and firmware. Serves as a table of contents to easily find config pages.

Important: Note that we use a Network Number (or NN) from now on to configure devices. The Network Number is different from the Install Number (or request number) you received when registering. For more information or to look up your NN, please see the Network Number page.

LiteBeam / LiteBeam-LR:

OmniTik 5 POE AC ("Omni"):


LiteAP (previously LBE120) Sector:


  • Switch
  • BGP

LiteAP 120 sector

Connect to the LiteAP GUI. Upgrade the firmware

In Wireless set:

  • Wireless mode to Access Point PtMP airmax AC
  • SSID "nycmesh-xxxx-direction" (for exemple: nycmesh-1635-east)
  • channel width 40 Mhz
  • Control Freq. ON
  • Select all freq. and uncheck from 5565 to 5705 (5565 and 5705 included), as well as some other assorted frequencies. 
    • Just paste in the following, rather than doing manual checkbox selection:  5220,5225,5230,5240,5260,5265,5270,5275,5280,5285,5290,5295,5300,5305,5310,5315,5320,5325,5330,5485,5490,5500,5505,5510,5515,5520,5525,5530,5535,5540,5545,5550,5555,5560,5710,5740,5745,5750,5755,5760,5765,5770,5775,5780,5785,5790,5795,5800,5805,5810,5815,5820,5825,5830,5835
    • (This is extremely important. Due to FCC regulations in NY, we need to make sure to not use any channel overlapping 5590 - 5677)
  • choose a center freq. different then other local antenna (sector, litebeam, powerbeam, etc ...)
  • Wireless Security: WPA security personal / Preshared key: nycmeshnet
  • TDD framing: Flexible (or Flexibe (new) depending on firmware)
  • ReSE ON
  • Advanced: Isolation ON
  • Advanced: Automatic Power Control (APC) should be enabled if available and set to Reliable (Minimal and Maximum are the other options). This setting may only be available in newer firmwares (8.7.13 from 2024 for example, but not 8.5.12 from 2019)

In Network set:

  • DHCP and fallback IP

In Services:

  • Add UNMS key

In System set:

  • Device name: same as SSID
  • turn NTP server ON
  • Set the time zone