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MeshDB Status Values

Node Status

Value Description
An assignment of a network number to one or more install numbers that has not yet been brought online. This happens commonly when planning for new large hubs, but can apply to smaller installs also
A nominally routable network number on the mesh
A node which was active but is no longer connected to the mesh due to disassembly, abandonment, etc. If a node drops offline for a few days, it does not need to be marked Inactive, but if it is offline for a month or more, or is known to have been taken down, it should be marked Inactive

Install Status

Value Description
Request Received
Default status when an install is created. It indicates that the join form has been submitted for the specified unit, but not much more
This install has LOS and an install has been scheduled, or is in the process of getting scheduled. We expect to connect this install in the near future. Installs should not remain in this status longer than 6 months
We have received some kind of confirmation that the install identified by this row is 1) interested in getting connected and 2) is unable to actually go through with an install. Usually due to a landlord not cooperating
This is a connected unit, with active service
Inactive This is a physically connected unit, with equipment in place but the equipment is not communicating with the mesh. This may be due to a power, cable, or software issue. Installs in this status are expected to reactivate at some point the future. If the install has been physically taken down or completely abandoned, it should be marked as Closed instead

Installs should not remain in this status longer than 2 years
Closed This install request is no longer something we are interested in tracking. This could be because the person communicated disinterest, asked to unsubscribe, gave invalid information in the join form. 

This status is also used for installs that have been abandoned, or physically taken down, and are not expected to be reactivated

This could also be a duplicate of another install request
NN Reassigned A special status for low-numbered installs indicating that this install number has been re-used as a network number for another node and is not safe to use as a network number for this install, should the unit associated with this install seek to get connected
Value Description

Device Status

Value Description