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Introducing NYC Mesh Wiki

This page is intended as a catch page for people who follow old docs links which no longer lead anywhere.

NYC Mesh Wiki has replaced NYC Mesh Docs:

If you've landed on this page, you were probably trying to follow a link to That section of our website has now been replaced by this wiki and the specific page youryou arewere looking for no longer exists, so you were redirected here.

The wiki is now our central repository of information

How to find what you are looking for:

Using the wiki is easy! You can either search for the topic you need with the search bar at the top, or browse individual sections with the sidebar on the left.

The wiki is split uporganized into Books, Chapters and Pages.

  • Books organize large sections, grouping related sub topics together.
  • Chapters group individual pages containing information about related topics.
  • Pages cover specific topics and may include various sections.

You can "start at the top" so to say, toand view the whole wiki as a whole by clicking the NYC Mesh Wiki logo at the top left.
From there you can explore individual sections and topics, diving deeper into the category with each following layer.

Why we made this change:

Our previous documentation section of our website ( used Github as the hosting and editing back end.
This was great for allowing multiple people to work on our website and provide edits, however it required knowledge of Github and some basic coding experience (markdown language) to use. It also required installing Hugo (the website engine) on your system and setting up a local copy of the website to test your changes.

Following feedback from our members about how the docs were hard to edit and difficult for new people to use, we decided to move to a different system. 
This Bookstack Wiki site allows easy editing from any device with a simple to use interface.
Anyone can make an account and contribute to the side, no web design or coding experience required. Please see