VPN Request Proceedure
NYC Mesh maintains some common VPN infrastructure for use by active mesh members.
Please feel free to use the VPNs. However, please note that NYC Mesh is not a commercial VPN provider or reseller, nor are we trying to achieve an Internet-based darknet. The VPN service is subject to change and/or breakage at any time. Do not rely on NYC Mesh’s VPN service as your primary or critical VPN provider. Also, as with all NYC Mesh resources, do not abuse the VPN service or the access it provides.
How to request a NYC Mesh VPN connection:
Please write to "vpn @ nycmesh.net" and provide the following information, the same you provided on the join request form, to register your install.
First name:
Last name:
Phone number:
Location (street address, including zip code):
Active Install number:
*please indicate if it is to be used by you, from your laptop, phone, etc.. Or if it is to be setup on your node, such as for a "remote node" or else.
A volunteer will reach out with a response to your request.
Please note, for network security purposes we generally deny requests for remote access to the network by people who are not existing mesh members or who do not live in the New York City metropolitan area. If you feel like you have a valid reason to request VPN access but your request has been denied, please reach out on Slack for assistance.